Stuff Everybody Likes: Freebies!

I love getting stuff for free.  Even swag.  When I heard about the ChickAdvisor Product Review Club a couple years ago, I signed up right away.  Since then I’ve received free full-size samples of mascara, body wash, moisturizer, house cleaning products, and a whole bunch of ice cream.

The premise is simple – sign up for the Product Review Club and they email you when they have a new product for you to try.  Fill out a survey, and if you’re selected, the product is mailed to your house.  You then have 14 days (or so) to try it, and then go online and review it.  You don’t have to write a positive review.  Just an honest one.  I figure that’s a fair exchange for getting stuff for free.

I think it’s only for girls though.  Seeing as in the site is called ChickAdvisor and all.  Sorry guys.

Women I Admire: Cynthia

I first met Cynthia Martyn when I hired her to be my wedding planner in 2006.  As I worked with her on my wedding details, I learned that she was the director of the Toronto branch of Ladies Who Launch, a business networking group for women.  This was around the time I was thinking of leaving my job and starting my own business, and I was inspired by Cynthia.  It’s because of her that I joined Ladies Who Launch, which was (and continues to be) so helpful for me.

Cynthia never rests on her laurels.  As if building a wildly successful event planning business wasn’t enough, she recently opened Sash and Bustle – a bridal boutique selling gorgeous gowns from hard-to-find designers.  Cynthia has impeccable taste and design savvy – I often read her blog and find it inspiring for my own design work.

Favourite Things: The Library

What an amazing concept – everyone in a city (or town) gets to share a huge collection of books (and albums, and DVDs, and magazines… and soon, video games).  I’m glad that libraries have been around for a while, because if someone tried to introduce that idea now, it probably wouldn’t work.  Kind of like public health care in the States.  I digress.

Anyway, I love the Toronto library.  The individual branches aren’t so great (except for a few, and I’m talking about you, S. Walter Stewart branch).  But the whole system is amazing.  With the beta launch of the Toronto Library’s new website, it’s even easier to find items, place them on hold, and then go pick them up at my local branch.  Rarely have I thought of a book that I can’t find at the library.  Including new releases.  And often, I’ve “tested” a library book, found I liked it, and bought a copy of my own (because some books are so good, you don’t want to return them after 3 weeks).

Little known fact – the Toronto Library website has a “downloads” section.  eBooks, audio books, and a little bit of music.  Check there next time you’re going on a road trip and need something to listen to.  Or heck, download some audio books for your daily commute.  Beats listening to morning radio (except the CBC morning radio.  Love the CBC).

Funny on Friday: Awkward Family Photos

Whenever I need a quick laugh, I head over to the Awkward Family Photos website, and am seldom disappointed.  Just look at the Star Trek themed family portrait above… these shots are golden.  And I’m obviously not the only one who thinks this website is hilarious… they got a book deal.  The AFP book launched last night in LA, and you can get copies through  I’m adding this to my wishlist.

I Heart Knock Knock

I was just catching up on my reading, and came across this sneak peak of designer Jen Bilik’s home on Design*Sponge.  Jen Bilik is the force behind Knock Knock – you know, those cool, witty, and slightly irreverent notepads and stuff that you can get at Chapters and fancy paper stores?

I love Knock Knock.  I have the “To Do” notepad on my desk, and the “All Out Of” grocery list pad on my fridge.  After seeing the photos of Jen Bilik’s home, I think I love her, and by extension, Knock Knock, even more.  She has an Airstream trailer as a lawn ornament.  And she has a really cool shed/studio.  I have always wanted a separate building for my office, but in Canada, the shed/studio thing doesn’t work so well.  I can dream though… and drool on my keyboard looking at these photos…

Travel dreaming: Scotland

After last night’s Frightened Rabbit concert, I’ve been dreaming of all-things Scottish lately.  Aw heck, who am I kidding… I’m almost always dreaming of all-things Scottish.

Ian and I went to Scotland for our honeymoon, and we both fell in love with the place.  It’s moody and rainy and windy and kind of mystical and wonderful.  We loved the old buildings and history of Edinburgh, and the slightly gritty, urban, art-filled Glasgow.  But our hands-down favourite part of Scotland was the Highlands.  The “big” towns of Oban, Fort William, and Inverness are lovely, and the tiny little towns like Inveraray and Mallaig are so charming.  Kind of like living inside Hamish Macbeth.

I like to travel to new places, and not repeat the same trip twice.  But I really want to go back to Scotland.  And if we did, we’d try and rent a cottage like this or maybe like these.  Can’t you imagine cozying up in front of the fire while the Scottish countryside sprawls outside?  Gorgeous.

Photo of Loch Shiel taken from the Glenfinnan Monument by yours truly.  Wanna see more photos from our trip to Scotland?  Click here for the Flickr set.

Rock Out: Frightened Rabbit

I’m going to see Frightened Rabbit play tonight at the Opera House.  I can’t remember the last time I went to a real rock concert.  These guys are great – they’re from Selkirk, Scotland.  Other than maybe haggis, I can’t think of anything that’s come out of Scotland that I didn’t like.  Anyway, they’re a great band, and I hope they’ll put on a good show.  Here’s their MySpace page if you want to hear some tunes.

For You! A discount code for Moo

Remember when I said I was ordering new business cards from Moo?  I got some full size business cards featuring the artwork of various illustrators, and also 100 ready-made mini cards, all featuring illustrations by Marc Johns.

Well, they arrived this afternoon. As always, they look lovely.

Moo sent me a little promo code to pass on – 15% off your first pack of 50 Business Cards.  That would normally cost you $21.99 (which is already a crazy deal), but with 15% off, that’s only $18.69.  That’s a seriously good deal.

If you wanna take advantage of it, go to Moo and enter code G2MSCG at the checkout.

Note: I am not paid in any way to give this info to you.  I just seriously love Moo.

Favourite Blog of All Time: Design*Sponge

I heart Design*Sponge.  I’ve been reading this blog for years – long before I was a designer.  I have always been drawn to owner/blogger Grace Bonney’s excellent sense of style (usually on a budget no-less), and her candid, friendly writing.  It’s been so cool to watch this blog grow over the years.  At first, Grace would write about a whole bunch of topics (all relating to interior design), and throw them all together in one place (hmmm… kind of like the blog you’re reading right now).  But over time, Grace developed clearly recognizable categories for her blog posts – “Before and After”, “DIY”, “In the Kitchen”, “City Guides”, and my favourite: “Sneak Peeks” (where she gets interesting people to post photos and descriptions of their homes.  Kind of like The Selby, but not so weird).  She even has a schedule for the categories: Mondays are for Sneak Peeks, Tuesdays are for Guides, etc.

I recently launched some blog design services, and when I work with my blogger clients, I always use Design*Sponge as an example of what an excellent blog can be.  Have a strong, clear, interesting voice in your writing, and give your blog some structure.  It’s a formula that has worked very well for Grace (she has 60,000 daily readers, over 10 contributing writers, and is coming out with a book).  I think her daily schedule for her blog categories is brilliant – it keeps things interesting, and most importantly, it gives the reader a reason to come back to the blog every day.  Oh yeah, and don’t you love the look of the blog itself?  It was custom designed for Design*Sponge.  Gives the site a completely original look.  Love it.

Update: Toronto City Neighbourhood Poster

Hey, remember this?  Well, I ordered my Toronto city neighbourhood poster, and got it in the mail less than a week later.  I picked up a ribba frame from Ikea yesterday, framed the poster, and hung it in my bathroom.  I figured, what better place for this brown and gold poster than in my brown bathroom?  It matches the walls, and gives you something interesting to look at when you’re doing your business.