Do you know about Creative Mornings? It’s a FREE lecture series that happens one morning a month in cities around the world. Creative Mornings was started in NYC by my web hero swissmiss, and while the talks are aimed at the creative community, I think they really appeal to anyone.
Creative Mornings recently celebrated their 5-year birthday, and at their party, a number of people took the stage and gave short talks with advice. Check them out – they’re pretty great (and short). The advice from Oliver Jeffers is sweet, with his adorable Irish accent. And Maria Popova’s 7 Things I Learned talk ties in to her blog post of the same topic, which I absolutely loved.
And, speaking of Creative Mornings, we have a chapter right here in Toronto. I try to attend each month – the talks are great, there’s free coffee, and it’s at 401 Richmond, right next to my favourite design bookstore Swipe. What’s not to love?
This month the Toronto chapter is celebrating their 2nd birthday, and will be presenting a special Creative Morning on Friday November 21. Toronto Poet Laureate George Elliott Clark will be speaking on the topic of Bravery. Tickets are available at 9am this morning (yep, today – Monday), and will probably go fast. See you there!
[photo of Ilana Ben-Ari from last month’s Creative Mornings Toronto talk. You can see more pictures from Creative Mornings Toronto here on their Flickr page]