How I’ve Been Using Pinterest

Have you tried Pinterest, the new(ish) social media/photo/shopping website that everyone seems to be talking about?  And if you did try it, did you kind of play with it for a while, and then forget about it?

I did too.  I thought it was pretty, and I liked the neat-o images, but it seemed more like a time waster than an actual tool.

Then, a few weeks ago, I was trying to collect my thoughts (and collect inspiration images) for a landscape design project. We’re going to rip up our front yard (we have a tiny patch of grass that’s about 80 square feet – so silly) and put in a perennial garden. I started flipping through magazines, thinking I’d scan the images into my computer, and then I remembered Pinterest. I started a pinboard for landscaping, and started to add images with notes about what I liked about them. I searched for landscaping images that were already on the site, and then I added some from other websites.

Check it out – here’s my landscaping board on Pinterest.

Have you thought of useful ways to use Pinterest? Or do you just look at the pretty pictures and drool on your keyboard?

2 thoughts on “How I’ve Been Using Pinterest”

  1. I love Pinterest for the same reasons you do — a visual bookmarking system makes all the difference. We happen to be re-landscaping our small front yard (in Leslieville!) as well — a daunting task for this non-green thumb. Will look forward to following your board!

  2. Thanks for commenting K! And best of luck with your landscaping. We just did our taxes on the weekend, and may have to put off ripping up the front yard for another year. But even if that’s the case, I’ll be dreaming of gorgeous plants, and trying to come up with cheap and cheerful alternatives!

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