Funny on Friday: Stuart Anderson

A while ago, my friend Jenny and I were bored one night, so we started watching videos on Everything Is Terrible (a video blog devoted to weird and hilarious old video clips – usually found on VHS tapes).

We came across this gem – a small child named Stuart Anderson, singing traditional Scottish folk songs.  We both laughed so hard we couldn’t breathe.  Just look at his facial expressions!  And what is he doing with those hands? I hope you enjoy this as much as we did:

Funny on Friday: Stuff White People Like

I’ve been hearing way too much lately about the blog-turned-book, 1000 Awesome Things (the book is called The Book of Awesome).  I think it’s cool that a blogger is getting so much attention, and a nice book deal, but the subject matter is way too touchy-feely daily-affirmation style for me.

I prefer an earlier blog-turned-book, Stuff White People Like.  Unlike The Book of Awesome and its heartwarming, positive outlook,  Stuff White People Like is ironic.  And hilarious.  I think it’s so funny to me because I self-identify with the writing.  As much as I like to think I’m an individual, and not a stereotypical white, liberal, urban hipster, I still am.  So almost every entry in the blog/book resonates with me.  Because like it or not, it’s who I am.

Just look at this entry about Moleskine Notebooks (yep, the very same notebooks I blogged about yesterday).  Stuff White People Like helps me to laugh at myself.  Which is very important.

Oh yeah, and the title of this blog is a bit of a nod to Stuff White People Like.  If you hadn’t guessed that already.

Funny on Friday: Awkward Family Photos

Whenever I need a quick laugh, I head over to the Awkward Family Photos website, and am seldom disappointed.  Just look at the Star Trek themed family portrait above… these shots are golden.  And I’m obviously not the only one who thinks this website is hilarious… they got a book deal.  The AFP book launched last night in LA, and you can get copies through  I’m adding this to my wishlist.

Funny for Friday

Yay!  It’s Friday!  I’m away today on our little long-weekend “Art, Architecture and Outlet Malls” trip, so you know I’m having a good time.

But if you’re still stuck at work, perhaps a little pick-me-up is in order.  Here’s a very funny video from Will Ferrell and Adam “Ghost Panther” McKay (seriously, it says that in his profile).  It’s a few years old, and you’ve probably seen it before, but it’s a classic.  Worth a revisit.  Have a good laugh, and enjoy your weekend!