Hello. I’m back.
My last blog post was in July 2019. What a time it has been since then. I may go into some details about my life in the last two years, I might not… but I can say that it feels right to be back here, on the blog, after so long away.
The truth is, I’ve missed this. I wrote multiple blog posts a week for 9 years (yup, there are archives here that go back to 2010). Writing those posts, as pithy and insignificant as some of them were, put me in a routine of noticing the things I enjoyed about the world around me. Small and large things, but always positive. The site is called Stuff Avery Likes after all. This has never been a space for ranting – it’s been my tiny little corner of the internet where I keep a record of what I enjoy. Knowing that I would write about things I like helped me to notice them in the first place.
With all the ups and downs that 2020 and 2021 has thrown at us all, I think I could really use a bit more noticing of the stuff I like, and I’m happy to share it with you.